Investors and rental owners

Depending on which Capital gain you are entering will depend on if an address is required.


Here is how to enter your capital gains;


Capital gains or losses reported on T5008, T5, T3, T4PS, T5013 slips

  1. Select Find in the upper-right area of TurboTax.
  2. Type the name of your T-slip in the Find window (for example, type "T5008").
  3. Select the name of your T-slip from the list of results (the Find tool highlights the closest match in a list of results), then select Go.
  4. Enter the amount on the slip directly into the TurboTax page dedicated to that slip.

Capital gains or losses not reported on a T-slip

Before you begin: Make sure you determine the type of your capital property and calculate your proceeds of disposition and adjusted ....

  1. Select Find in the upper-right area of TurboTax.
  2. Type “Capital Gains” in the Find window.
  3. Select Capital Gains and Capital Gains Deduction Profile from the search results, then select Go.
  4. On the Your Capital Gains Profile for 20xx step, follow the instructions to report your gains or losses.

How to see capital gains reported on your tax return

  1. Select Find in the upper-right area of TurboTax.
  2. Type “Bottom line” in the Find window.
  3. Select Bottom Line (Tax Summaries) from the search results, then select Go.
  4. On the Let’s Review Your Numbers step, select a Detailed tax summary(bottom-left area).