New Member

Why does the online Standard software product for 4 returns cost more than download Standard software product for 8 returns?

I have been a customer for 12 years, I have graduated from buy the software in the store and mailing in my return to downloading it and net filing. I love how Turbo tax has moved with the times this year I opted to do everything online it was easy, and I liked that I did not have to download any product. HOWEVER I usually do 4 tax returns on the standard downloaded return. 

When I was completed my first primary and spousal return I was surprised  that I was charged 37.78 and realized that I would be charged another 37.78 for the next one.

I understand there should be a cost for your service but it was not clear to me that the standard on line form cost is per return, and not the same as the download.

If this does not change I guess I will have to download again next year to file my 4 returns.
Where I can get all 4 of my returns for just a few dollars more. 

Thanks for hearing my complaint