
Hi Susan,


I actually just noticed I could make the "CCA FOR YEAR"  field 0. So now I did that and it matches what the CD version shows. I will probably file using the CD one since I did go out and spend 120$ on it after thinking the online version wasn't working properly. But next year I will probably have a hard time with the CCA on the cd if I end up owing. But so far this year I get a return. Just waiting on my main jobs T4 which I still think will have me getting a refund. But as for the CD version, I don't need to enter the truck info in the "fixed assets" section then if I am not claiming CCA?? That section seems to affect the refund amount the same as the chart for the "CCA for vehicles" does online (where I switched it to the 0), I think the refund was less cuz it had CCA of 2,330.08 for the year in the field? but now with it switched to 0 it matches the CD. I will probably be bugging you for help next year. hmm if I don't file online this year with the online version, will it still be easy to calculate the CCA next year online if I need it? if so I may not bother with the CD next year. I wish the CD did the math like it does online and saves it like it does online. I just hope if I don't file online it somehow will be easy to calculate it next year or somehow the program will still save that info? I regret running out and getting the CD now the online version is easier!