I do not want to claim the full amount of my unused tuition fee this year. Should i enter the full amount in the unused tuition page or just the amount i want to claim?

E.g.  I want to claim only $10k for my tuition this year ( I have $30k in total unused tuition fee from the previous years). In the page of "Your unused tuition and education amount", should I enter $10k or $30k? If I enter $10k, the summary gives me the amount claimed for this year is $10k, but the unused amount from previous years is also $10k, which does not make sense. 

Seniors and students

If you have $30k in unused tuition from previous years, you put in $30k of unused tuition. There is no reason not to claim unused eligible tuition if you have it. If you put it in, and have no taxes payable, it will just carry forward to future years. If you do have taxes payable, you need to put in your unused tuition amount to reduce your taxes owed for 2017, before you can use it in the future. If you don’t include it in 2017, when you need to use in later years, you may have to come back to your 2017 return and make an adjustment. You might even have to fix several returns, depending on how many years have passed and what you had owning.