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Medical expense cosmetic eligible

My spouse is claiming surgery medical expenses for the year 

Cosmetic surgery seems to be a gray area and is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.  Since the amount is significant $7000+, what can I expect from CRA should they make contact?  I am in the process of obtaining a supporting letter or documentation from the surgeon that indicates the surgery was medically necessary - not for vanity.  Would the return be flagged for review BEFORE a refund is issued?  Would medical records be required?  

""Cosmetic surgery after March 4, 2010 – an expense for cosmetic procedures incurred after March 4, 2010 will continue to qualify as a medical expense only if it is necessary for medical or reconstructive purposes, such as surgery to address a deformity related to a congenital abnormality, a personal injury resulting from an accident or trauma, or a disfiguring disease.""