Returning Member


Hello! Thank you for your quick reply!


Only one thing though, the amount in A of the releve 1 (which is the same as J), should I add it to the amount that was in box 14 of the t4? Because quebec seems to say that its an additional revenue... so for instance, if box 14 of the t4 was 70000$ (this is not a real value, I am just giving a fictional value), when I finished and did 'skip releve 1', I'm going back in the releve 1 to add J as you said. But, box A of the releve 1 that was automatically done is the same as box 14 of the t4. But the releve 1 I received only has an amount of 2000$ (again fictional). Should I add that to the 70000$ on the releve 1? So the T4 will show a revenue of 70000 and the releve 1 show 72000? Or do I not care about what was in box A of the releve1 i received and only enter box J?


Thank you!