New Member

2016 full tax return

Hello ,

I need a full tax return in 2016.

Where can i find it?

thank you.


Do you want to create a tax return for 2016, or have you already created one and you are looking for it?


If you need to prepare a return for 2016, we no longer have an online option, but you can still use TurboTax CD/Download for Windows. This is what we have available for tax year 2016: https://turbotax.intuit.ca/tax-software/prior-year-taxes.jsp#tax-year-2016


If you have already prepared a return for 2016 and used TurboTax Online - unfortunately, that year has been discontinued, and the files are no longer available. TRA (Tax return access) services were not introduced until 2017, so you won’t see PDFs from 2016 in your account, either.


If you used TurboTax CD/Download in 2016, your tax files are only stored on your computer. We don’t keep any copies.


However, you can still get the information from your 2016 tax returns via the CRA using their My Account service: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/e-services/e-services-individuals/account-individua...

Returning Member


Thank you so much for your answer. It's good to know there's no option to download 2016 tax return.