
If the vendor fee is a direct cost to the product you sold to the customer, then it is part of the Cost of Goods Sold. If you are Self-Employed, you would put the amount in Line 8450 – Other costs in Form T2125.

To enter the amount in Form T2125 in TurboTax Online:

  1. From the left-side menu, search for Self-employment under income. Or you can search for Self-employment using the magnifying glass on the top bar.
  2. Select your Self-employment profile (e.g. Professional, Commission, and/or Other type of business). Select Continue.
  3. You will be able to edit a T2125 Form. Enter the vendor fees in Line 8450 – Other costs.
  4. After you finished completing Form T2125, select Continue.

If you require further assistance please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter.