After you file

We appreciate you choosing TurboTax, 


The eligible dependant tax credit cannot be claimed for your father-in-law because you do not meet the criteria to claim him as a dependent. 

You can claim your wife's spousal tax credit since she has lived with you.  

The Canada Caregiver Credit may be available to you if your father relies on you for support due to a physical or mental disability.


It is designed for single adults who are responsible for the financial care of a family member and who are not entitled to claim the spouse/common-law partner credit.

Both of the following criteria must be met to claim the credit:


Throughout the year:

  • You didn't live with or receive support from a spouse or common-law partner.
  • The dependant lived with you and was supported by you, meaning you maintained a home for the dependent. 
  • Simply visiting is not enough.

If you require further assistance please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter.