Where do you enter Contractor Costs

I am a self employed surveyor and I have to enter sub-contractor costs.

TurboTax indicates NOT to enter this in 'wages & salaries'. It says to enter it in the 'Cost of Goods Sold'. Well I can't get to this section to save my life!

in the Business Summary at the end of the Business/Professional Activities section, I see a tally for it. But there's no way to access it. I tried help, I tried Google.

The closest I can get is people talking about it being at the end of an 'Inventory' section.

Well I can't find access to this either!!!!

There' no preliminary summary section or profile for 'Professional Income' or I would assume that I missed selecting an 'inventory' section.

Are there not tens of thousands of people that DON'T sell goods - but provide professional services and require the help of sub-contractors?