
To activate properly your TurboTax software first, we have to make sure you are using the right code for the correct product and year. Please find below the number of code digits needed for each type of TurboTax product and version:


  • If you are using TurboTax CD/Download, you will need a 16 digits code (for product years 2020 and beyond). For previous editions, you will need 21 digits code.
  • If you are using TurboTax online version, you will need a 16 digits code (for product years 2020 and beyond). For previous editions, you will need 11 digits code.


To find your activation code according to the type of product you have purchased, please follow the instructions presented in this FAQ- Where is my TurboTax installation Key? 


Please also visit In the online edition of TurboTax, how do I use a prepayment code? to see step by step how to use your activation code.


If you still are having problems with your activating your TurboTax software, please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter.


Thank you for using TurboTax