New Member

You used to show what I think you called "year over year" details, which showed the details of this year and last year's numbers on the same page. No more?



If you used TurboTax last year and imported your information this year, you can locate the year over year comparison in the Review section of your return.

New Member


Thanks for your response.  I am in the Review Section where I expect it to be, but I only get 2017 figures.  It won't show 2016 figures, and I've been using TurboTax for a number of years.


Did you import your information from 2016 at the beginning of this year's return?
New Member


I thought I was, because it seemed to know everything about me & my spouse.  However, now that you mention it, I don't actually remember it actually asking me to import last year.  (I remember spending time with it while it asked me about importing this year's stuff automatically, but nothing about last year.)  So you're probably right.  Therefore, how do I find out?  I tried going back to the beginning, but it's not showing me the part about bringing in past information.


The option to carry forward your details from last year is only presented when starting a new return. When you choose the "Start a new return" option at the bottom of the Return Manager screen, you'll be given the option to import last year's data if you've signed into TurboTax using the same login credentials as last year.
New Member


You (and others) have been right.  I don't know how, but somehow I missed that screen, and it appears that I am not able to go back.  So, I started a new one, and had to input a lot of my stuff over again.  I suppose it could have been worse - I could have been finished.  Maybe TurboTax should make a bigger deal out of missing that page.  After all, it knows that I was there before.  Why would I NOT want last year's stuff brought forward.  Perhaps it should have an extra page that says: "Are you sure".  Especially because it's one of the rare times that you CAN'T go back.  If it happened to me, it's probably happening to others.  I've been a client since it was QuickTax, and I've never missed that screen before.  I didn't think that it was possible.  Thank you for answering me.