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New Member
posted May 13, 2024 3:21:10 PM

Can we delete the 2023 returns we started online because we filed using TurboTax Desktop?

Can we delete the 2023 returns we started online because we filed using TurboTax Desktop?

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1 Replies
Level 3
May 13, 2024 6:18:56 PM

Yes, you can delete the one you started online. Note that when you delete a return, you won't be able to access it again and we won't be able to retrieve the information for you.


The steps below outline how to delete a return for TurboTax Online: 

  • Sign in to TurboTax Online 2023.
  • On the "Great to see you again! "screen, locate the return

      If the return you want to delete has a trash can beside it:

Select the trash can icon. When prompted to confirm the deletion, select Delete


      If the return you want to delete doesn't have a trash can beside it:

You will need to start a new return. On the page that displays your tax returns, you'll see two returns: the blank return you just created, and the return you want to delete. Locate the return you want to delete and select its corresponding trash can icon. When prompted to confirm the deletion, select Delete.

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