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posted Apr 27, 2021 11:50:02 AM

Can you cancel my income tax return

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1 Replies
Level 2
Aug 10, 2021 3:21:04 PM

Thank you for your question!


If you’re using the online edition of TurboTax, it is possible to delete a return that hasn’t been filed; returns that have been filed (either via NETFILE or printed-to-mail) cannot be deleted.

Note that when you delete a return, you won't be able to access it again and we won't be able to retrieve the information for you.

  1. Sign in to TurboTax Online for the tax year of the return you’d like to delete.
  2. On the “Great to see you again!” page, locate the return.

The steps below outline how to delete a return, depending on whether you have one or more in your account.

If you have one return in your account

To help make sure users don’t accidentally delete a return they’re working on, TurboTax prevents users from deleting their most recent “active” return. To get around this, you’ll need to create a blank return. This way, the blank return will be your most recent active return, and the return you want to delete will become inactive.

1.  On the “Great to see you again!” page displaying your tax return, scroll down to Start a new return and select Continue (you also have the option to select Start a new return from the navigation bar).

2. On the subsequent page, select the Standard edition. Answer the question How did you do your taxes last year? and select Continue.

3. Select My Returns from the navigation bar, then select View all tax returns from the menu options that appear.


  • In the 2018 version, select My Account & Returns then View all tax returns.
  • In prior-year versions, select Tools (located at the top of your screen), then select Return Manager from the options that appear.

4. On the page that displays your tax returns, you'll see two returns: the blank return you just created, and the return you want to delete. Locate the return you want to delete and select its corresponding trash can icon.

5. When prompted to confirm the deletion, select Delete.


Thank you, for further information please contact us by phone or via private message on Twitter or Facebook.