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Can you help me get my access code

3 Replies

Can you help me get my access code

The NETFILE Access Code (NAC) is an 8-character alphanumeric code that can be found in the top right corner of your paper Notice of Assessment (NOA) under the "Note Details" section, or online next to "Access Code" in your "My Account."

If you cannot find your NAC on the Notice of Assessment or online in your "My Account", you can contact the CRA, and have them ask you a few questions to verify your identity before they provide you the information you need.

Once you have found your NAC, enter the code into the appropriate field in the software of your choosing.

To learn more about NETFILE Access Code, please click here 


If you require further assistance please contact our phone support team for further assistance or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter.

Can you help me get my access code

The access code I have 53KZ99ST  is not accepted. I checked last year NOA and three is no access code on it.

Can you help me get my access code

@Tom Lorette The NETFILE Access code is not mandatory. You can try filing without it.