We made some tests and it's showing when you are doing the review of the return (see screenshot).
If it's not showing, please review your return.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
@Skaven1984, once your information are entered in the return, in the review section, you will have this exact page. If you don't see it the CCB information, it may be for 2 reasons: you are not eligible or some information are not properly entered.
In these situations, we suggest you to contact our product support team by phone. They have access to tools we don't have here in Community, like screenshare, and see the issues to escalate into an investigation if needed.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
So after doing some research and looking through the manual forms on TurboTax standard 2024 I noticed that the basic benefit number on line 1 is wrong. How can I change that? Or why is it wrong? It's showing on line 1 $1494.00 but it should be $13496.
Is there an error in turbo tax?
@Skaven1984 As per CRA, The maximum basic amount for the CWB for 2024 is $1,590 for single individuals. The amount is gradually reduced if your adjusted net income is more than $26,149. No basic amount is paid if your adjusted net income is more than $36,749.
For families, it's $2,739. The amount is gradually reduced if your adjusted family net income is more than $29,833. No basic amount is paid if your adjusted family net income is more than $48,093.
Note that the maximum basic CWB amount will vary for residents of Quebec, Nunavut and Alberta. You can visit this link for more information.
If you think the calculation is wrong, we suggest you to contact our product support team by phone. They have access to tools we don't have here in Community, like screenshare, and see the issues to escalate into an investigation if needed.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
Why on my Turbo Tax 2024 did it show in my child benefits line 1 it showed $13140 last year but this year only $1410. And when I manually changed it, it then showed me a break down of what I would be getting per month in the east forums.
@Skaven1984 It's the same question I already answered previously. On your CCB form, The basic amount (line 1) is based on your adjusted net income (line 2). Then you'll have all the information in the return (based on single or joint return).
If you think TurboTax is not doing the calculation properly, please contact our Product support team.
"The maximum Canada Child Benefit (CCB) payment for the 2024–2025 benefit year is $7,787 per year for each child under 6 years old, and $6,570 per year for each child 6–17 years old. This is equivalent to $648.91 per month for children under 6, and $547.50 per month for children 6–17. "
I have 2 kids between 6-17 so it should be $13140. It is showing $1410 which is not right.
"The maximum Canada Child Benefit (CCB) payment for the 2024–2025 benefit year is $7,787 per year for each child under 6 years old, and $6,570 per year for each child 6–17 years old. This is equivalent to $648.91 per month for children under 6, and $547.50 per month for children 6–17. "
I have 2 kids between 6-17 so it should be $13140. It is showing $1410 which is not right.
Unfortunately, we are not able to replicate the problem. The amounts that TurboTax Desktop is generating are similar to what the CRA's calculator is showing. So you would need to contact phone support so that they can look at your return with you to see what the issue is.
Also please note that what is shown in TurboTax is just an estimate. The CRA will determine how much CCB you will get and notify you after you have filed your return.
This is what I am talking about. I'll have to call tomorrow I guess. Notice the big change in dollar amount. Top picture is last year. Other picture is this year. Bottom picture shoes $0 where your arrow is pointing
I am also having an issue with the desktop version. Before the update, I was seeing the benefit after completing all information. After the program updated this morning, it is no longer showing that I am eligible to claim child benefit, when I based on the rules, I definitely am. There is something wrong with the way its calculating. I also put in my information on the CRA website and what turbotax is reporting is 0 when I should be receiving around $1175.
Yes it's not putting the correct dollar amount on line 1. I'm happy I'm not the only one having issues
I ended up using UFile, and yes, the initial amount at the top of the tax form is missing a number in the 1000 place of the number. Got it all done with UFile and away I go!
having same problem CCB showing as only $1494, did you get this resolved?
No resolved issue. Turbo Tax rep just stopped responding when I showed pictures and proof. They thought I was crazy. Just filled anyways. Looks like the CRA fixed the Turbo Tax mistake for my wife. Customer service not so good
We are aware of the issue, and that is being fixed. I will update you when its complete.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
I've already filed my taxes because I did not get an answer. I'm happy it's being resolved but a little to late for me.
@Skaven1984 Thanks for the feedback, we appreciate and we do apologize for the inconvenience.