Do I file all income under self-employment or split with forgeign earnings? Self-employed. Moved to Germany in late Aug. Invoice clients through paypal.
I'm a self-employed manuscript editor. I worked full time from April to Aug in Ontario Canada. I then moved to Germany in the end of Aug and have continued working full time there. All my invoices are issued through PayPal and the currency used is USD. My clients are from around the world. Do I file *all* my income from 2022 under self-employment, even though most of my earnings were made in Germany? Or do I only post what I earned while in Canada under self-employment and what I earned while in Germany in the foreign earnings section? I have no T-slips, just records of invoices on Paypal.
1 Replies
Intuit Alumni
Jan 19, 2023 6:23:46 AM
To receive complete and up to date information in this matter, please contact the Canada Revenue Agency at this number for individuals calling from outside of Canada 613-940-8495 and please call collect.