I'm trying to claim the disability amount transferred from my son, but it asks to enter amounts from his tax return? I've left all boxes at "0" but it doesn't change my balance. He's 4 years old, do I have to file a return for him?
No, you do not have to file a return for your son. You are good with what you have done.
Shouldn't claiming the disability amount give me some sort of refund? Along with the disability transfer, I also selected the Family Caregiver Amount, but neither changed my balance. What am I missing?
It can depend on what your tax liability is to begin with. The disability tax credit and family caregiver credit are non-refundable credits...they are good to reduce tax liability but if tax liability gets to zero then any additional credits don't do anything.
So all of the boxes on the Disability Transfer section should be "0"? I believe I'm supposed to enter $12506 somewhere for his disability amount