If you don’t have a Canadian address, on the “Contact Information” page (Under "My Info"), answer “Yes” to the question “Is your mailing address outside Canada?”. Then you can enter a foreign address. The boxes will still ask for "Postal Code" & "Province", but you can put in whatever you need in those spaces, it will not give you an error if the info isn't Canadian. It will still ask for a phone number, but if you don’t have a US or Canadian number, you can just ignore that field, it is not mandatory.
FYI: If you are a non-resident, or a deemed resident you still won't be able to NETFILE your tax return. This CRA page has more info on who is eligible and not eligible to NETFILE: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/e-services/e-services-individuals/netfile-overview/...
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.