How can I file my return without committing to pay taxes now? I can't afford to pay now but TurboTax won't let me go any further than payment page.
Alternatively, how can I print the return and send it via snail mail?
1 Best answer
New Member
Oct 29, 2019 11:31:19 PM
Canada Revenue does not see what you select, you are not beholden to any choice you make. Select a method of payment and select 'no' to making a payment within the next 5 days. This will allow you to proceed and netfile your tax return.
1 Replies
New Member
Oct 29, 2019 11:31:19 PM
Canada Revenue does not see what you select, you are not beholden to any choice you make. Select a method of payment and select 'no' to making a payment within the next 5 days. This will allow you to proceed and netfile your tax return.