If you used TurboTax Online in 2016, you can login to the 2016 servers and retrieve you return. Here is the url: https://2016.turbotaxonline.intuit.ca/
If you used TurboTax CD/Download you can download the software for 2016 and use it to open you .tt16 return files. You can use the same installation key as you did previously. Here is the download link: http://secure.intuit.ca/tax-software/download-skus/tt-basic-2016.jsp
If you used TurboTax Online in 2016, you can login to the 2016 servers and retrieve you return. Here is the url: https://2016.turbotaxonline.intuit.ca/
If you used TurboTax CD/Download you can download the software for 2016 and use it to open you .tt16 return files. You can use the same installation key as you did previously. Here is the download link: http://secure.intuit.ca/tax-software/download-skus/tt-basic-2016.jsp