If you have upgraded or added features to your TurboTax Online return, then you will be charged for those upgrades/additions. Unfortunately, there is no way to downgrade or remove the extra features. You would need to create a new return to go back to the original product.
You can go to the Return Manager (under Tools) and start your return over in the desired TurboTax Online product. Then once you have started your new return, you can go back into the Return Manager and click the small Trash Can next to the unwanted return to delete it.
The answer to that overcharging question is not correct or professional.
This is gouging your customers.
Very bad form
P. Martin
Thank you, your comments are duly noted.
The answer provided by TurboTaxSusan is accurate. If you have any other concerns please feel free to contact our customer service team for further assistance:https://support.turbotax.intuit.ca/contact/
I hope this was helpful