Thank you. I did try this. It did not work. What I see is: Turbo Tax begins to launch. It then automatically checks for changes/amendments to Turbo Tax. then a gray-square opens on my computer ... with the title "Turbo Tax". However, nothing more happens. The box remains emply except for the title. I tried to download Turbo Tax anew. This seemed to work. However, the same problem arose. It seems that Turbo Tax 2020 can not open my
I cannot open any version of my licensed TurboTax. I have tried my CDs from 2019 to present and nothing works, 4 hours on the phone with TurboTax and still no solution. I have also tried downloading from their website, same problem. My program starts to open, checks for updates and then does nothing. I believe one of the 2022 updates (after I did taxes in March and April) is causing this but they do not have a solution yet, so do not want to admit the problem is on their end.