Go directly to your T1 in Forms View, double click line 104, this will bring you to the EMPL form and you will have a direct entry for your tips/gratuities.
Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately when I follow these step TurboTax still automatically adds that amount to my Quebec income even though it is already reported. I need to add it to my federal income but not have it automatically add it to my quebec income (since it is already captured). Any ideas?
You should always report your federal amounts then enter in your provincial after (if needed). Therefore I will ask that you go back and remove your provincial amount, re enter in your tips in EMPL form, once that is done all amounts will calculate correctly.
Thanks I’ll do that. Hopefully Revenu Quebec is ok with this approach as it means I am not entering an amount reported on my Releve1 but capturing it under other employment income.
You are good to go. Keep all your receipts (as usual) in case either governments decide to ask for them. Have a good day.
Hello, I am having the same problem, I just want to confirm that you mean to not enter what is in box S on my releve 8 and to enter it in line 104 instead?