TurboTax has many options to file with at many different price ranges, one of them being free.
To file for free you must have a simple tax return only.
Simple tax returns include:
Employment income
Pension income
Other employment income such as tips
RRSP contributions
Child care expenses
COVID-19 benefits and re-payments
Unemployment (EI) and social assistance
Worker’s compensation
Disability amount
Worker’s benefit
Amount for eligible/infirm dependents
Tuition, scholarships, bursaries, grants, student loan interest
Caregiver tax credit
Disability transfer
Home accessibility tax credit
Tax on RESPs and RDSPs
Tax installment payments
Age amount
Simple tax returns do not include:
Employment expenses (meals, lodging, etc.)
Medical expenses
Investment income and expenses
Rental property income and expenses
Self-employed income and expenses
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.