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I was trying to upgrade my Turbotax from Standard version to Premier. However, the system charged me CAD45 for it instead of the difference. Could I get a refund? Thanks

I did it a few minutes ago. I don't know who I can talk to.
3 Replies

I was trying to upgrade my Turbotax from Standard version to Premier. However, the system charged me CAD45 for it instead of the difference. Could I get a refund? Thanks

The price of TurboTax Premier CD/Download is currently $82.99, which is about $45 more than Standard at $37.99.

I was trying to upgrade my Turbotax from Standard version to Premier. However, the system charged me CAD45 for it instead of the difference. Could I get a refund? Thanks

Can I get my money back if I am not satisfied with the upgrade? Thanks 

I was trying to upgrade my Turbotax from Standard version to Premier. However, the system charged me CAD45 for it instead of the difference. Could I get a refund? Thanks

We believe your best option is to contact our telephone support team for further assistance please call 1-888-829-8608.

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