You are being charged because you added it to your return. Once you have upgraded or added features to your TurboTax return, there is no way to downgrade or remove the extra features, even if you didn’t use them. You would need to create a new return to go back to the original product.
To start a new return, select “Start a New Return” from under “My Returns”. Once you have started your new return, you can select “View All Tax Returns” from under “My Returns”, and delete the unwanted return by clicking the small Trash Can next to it.
If you have TurboTax Live Assist & Review, here is how to talk to a Tax Expert:
I specifically DID NOT request the expert assist and review...and specifically said NO THANKS. Now what??
You will need to contact our customer service for assistance
I do not recall being asked to chose the product level when I started my return. I did not use the assist feature. It was only at the filing stage that the product was defaulted to "Assist & Review" and I was charged $69 each.
I think this is a deceptive and deliberately obscure business practice. After using TurboTax for many years, I will consider other products on the market for 2020.
I found a post that says contact by pm on Facebook or twitter for help with my request. I have accounts for neither. Is there another method, email?, to contact support
You may need to start your return over again if you chose Assist & Review and never used it and would like to downgrade.
You can also contact our customer service for assistance.
is it correct that you will not allow me to get rid of live assist which appeared who knows how before I even started a return,without losing the carry forward information.? I am very very unhappy if this is the case.
When you start a new return, the carryforward information will not be lost. You will again be able to bring forward last year's information.
Thank you for using TurboTax.
I started and and the "intuit turbotax deluxe 2022" appeared again! What gives?