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Level 2
posted Oct 30, 2019 11:26:18 PM

In which T4A 105 box should students studying outside of Canada (with TL11A form) report scholarships?

I am a full-time graduate student studying outside of Canada with a TL11A form. I also have a scholarship specified by the T4A. 

In which box 105 of the T4A should I put my scholarship amount: "Full-time scholarship: also have T2202A with months in Box C" or "Other scholarships, grants, awards etc: taxable"? 

Note that as I am at a university outside Canada, I have a TL11A and not a T2202A. Yet, TurboTax gave me this warning: "You received a scholarship amount on a T4A slip and also reported tuition fees on a T2202A. To properly calculate your tax exemption, on your T4A, move the amount in the taxable box 105 to one of the other box 105 fields (either a part-time or full-time), as applicable." Should I be addressing this warning?

0 5 2167
5 Replies
Level 13
Oct 30, 2019 11:26:19 PM

You would apply the box marked as per issued for your T4A box 105, however, please follow directives below to assist you in entering your TL11A from schools outside of Canada.

Level 2
Oct 30, 2019 11:26:20 PM

Thank you for your reply, Lise. When I imported my T4A form from CRA, the scholarship amount was under Box 105 "Other scholarships, grants, awards etc: taxable". However, TurboTax warned me to move the scholarship amount to one of the other boxes; presumably, it meant Box 105 "Full-time scholarship: also have T2202A with months in Box C", seeing as my TL11A form states that I am a full-time student. From what I understand, you recommend me to leave the scholarship amount under Box 105 "Other scholarships, grants, awards etc: taxable". Is this correct?

Level 13
Oct 30, 2019 11:26:22 PM

Yes, fix the warning as per software message!  Ensure you read the link I have attached as well ok?

Level 2
Oct 30, 2019 11:26:23 PM

Great. Thanks. Yes, I have converted the tuition according to the Bank of Canada exchange rate, as mentioned in the link.

Level 13
Oct 30, 2019 11:26:25 PM

Perfect, have a great evening!