When you enter the income on the T4A slip page, then TurboTax will automatically create a business page for that T4A. You can then enter expenses.
i didn’t see just a business page to claim expenses. i did see because i chose the self employed program where it lists income and then let’s you choose what expenses she has. i just didn’t want to put her i one down twice if it is wrong
Did it show the T4a income on the "what was your self-employment income?" page? If so then your fine. If it went to another business, that's ok, you can just enter the basic information, and leave the rest blank. The income and expenses from the two businesses will be combined into one net self-employment figure.
No it does mention t4 at all just income. then it lists expenses where u can list office, vehicle supplies . i wasn’t sure if i’m suppose to put the t4a income there again and the. the expenses it just leave income blank and then do the expenses
As I said before, there might be a second business listed with the T4a income when you finish with the first one. If not, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608 as they will be better able to assist you. They can look at the return with you to see what is going on.
On this page where it asked for my self-employment income, the title page is "Profesinoal Fees" which is the box I selected in my auto filledT4A slip, since it was blank before. The page here has a box to fill for Amount. Automatically it's filled as 0.00, and below that it shows the T4A information from the fees on that T4A.. Do I need to also manually enter that amount in the above field, or is that note saying it's already been added as the income from that T4A?
No. If the fees are already there from your T4A, then you don't need to add them again.