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New Member
posted Oct 31, 2019 3:04:36 AM

My professional dues (CPA) are included on my RL.1 but not included on the T4. How can I only take the Quebec deduction ?

Usually, in Quebec, when your employer pays your professional dues, it is considered as a taxable benefit at the Quebec level. At Federal level, no taxable benefit. Given this, I am only allowed to the Quebec credit. How can I only take the Quebec deduction without taking the Federal one ?

Thank you!

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5 Replies
Intuit Alumni
Oct 31, 2019 3:04:38 AM

You can take a deduction only on professional dues that you paid for.  If your employer paid for it you can't claim it.

New Member
Mar 10, 2020 1:01:02 PM

This is false. In Quebec, when the employer pays professional dues, they have to include the amount in our income, therefore we are permitted to use the tax credit. 
So I’ll repeat the previous question, How can we use the credit on provincial side, but not claim the deduction on the federal return. 


New Member
Mar 15, 2020 3:42:21 PM

I am in the same situation. When using the non-online version of turbo tax in previous years I was able to do this and I received the credit. The information is applied on line 397 of the Quebec Tax form and we get 10% of our dues refunded, even if the employer has reimbursed the employee. We need to fill out form VD-358-V for line 397 to be accepted. I even received the following instructions from my employer concerning this tax credit: " As has been the case in recent years, and following an audit by the Ministère du Revenu du Québec, an amount of taxable benefit related to the reimbursement by the company of your 2019 professional contribution is included in box A of your statement 1 for 2019. This amount from box A must be entered on line 101 of your Quebec tax return. However, you can claim a tax credit (include the total amount without taxes) on line 397 in the non-refundable tax credits section of your return.  Finally, please note that this only applies to Quebec and not to the federal government. We did not include this amount on your federal T4."


I would appreciate a solution from Turbo Tax on this issue because it needs to be resolved for users to receive the maximum and proper reimbursement.

Returning Member
Apr 1, 2020 7:41:32 AM

I am also in the same situation and agree with the other posters about how this should be a credit on the provincial level but NOT a deduction on the federal level, which Turbotax seems to automatically apply.


Is it possible to fix this issue as soon as possible? If not, this would prevent a lot of Quebec users from getting their maximum credits or from filing a correct tax return. I would not want to use Turbotax in the future due to this...

Intuit Alumni
Apr 3, 2020 8:59:46 AM

If the union dues are included in your income (Box 14 of T4 and Box A of RL-1) as a taxable benefit, it means that you paid for a portion of it with your taxes. This allows you to claim a 10% credit for it. For Qc residents, the union dues will not be shown in your T4 Box 44, but will be reported in your Box F of the RL-1.


You will need to open your RL-1 and report the full amount in Box F


If you are using the online product, you will be able to see the full amount of Box F in line 397.1 of the:

  • Open the drop-down menu under your tax refund or amount owing from the top left corner  
  • Click on "view detailed tax summary"
  • The first window will be your federal amount --> check line 21200: it should be 0.00
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Detailed Quebec tax summary"
  • Your professional dues from Box F should be on line 397.1. 
  • The online version doesn't show your 10% on line 397, but what has actually been calculated is 10% of 397.1

If you are using the Desktop version:

  • You can check the 10% amount from the forms view option
  • Click on "Forms" at the top blue bar
  • Click on "Forms" at the bottom bar beside your name, choose the form "Quebec Oth
  • Check lines 397.1 and 397 --> you will be able to see the calculation for the 10% value


I hope this was helpful


If you still have issues after following this process, please contact our support line: 
