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Where do you report T4A-NR income and Tax withheld

3 Replies

Where do you report T4A-NR income and Tax withheld

If you receive a T4A-NR you report it on your Non-Resident tax return in the same manner as you would a T4A slip, on the T4A page in TurboTax.

New Member

Where do you report T4A-NR income and Tax withheld

None of the line numbers on the T4A-NR match up to those asked for on the T4A form. Do you have an updated method to claim the T4A-NR on a Canadian income tax return? The paying institution was Canadian and the receiver was a foreign national living abroad who is now living in Canada.

Returning Member

Where do you report T4A-NR income and Tax withheld

I'm having the same issue. Any help would be appreciated.