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My account does not recognize my password ever, so I click "forgot password" and create a new one. I get into my account with the new password but again cannot login.

7 Replies

My account does not recognize my password ever, so I click "forgot password" and create a new one. I get into my account with the new password but again cannot login.

Please reach out to us via "private message" on our Facebook or Twitter page, we will assist you there.  Thank you!

My account does not recognize my password ever, so I click "forgot password" and create a new one. I get into my account with the new password but again cannot login.


My account does not recognize my password ever, so I click "forgot password" and create a new one. I get into my account with the new password but again cannot login.

Hi, I've been a long time client of TurboTax and have purchased downloaded version a number of years. And also I receive promotional emails from Intuit.

Now, when I try to log in my account, says email address is not a registered email address... So can't log in my account...  Have sent 2 messenger messages in the past weeks but no answer...

How can I solve this issue if nobody is taking care of my problem...

My account does not recognize my password ever, so I click "forgot password" and create a new one. I get into my account with the new password but again cannot login.

Sorry to hear you are having this issue. In order to help you with this, we will need more information.  Please contact us on Social media so we can help you further. You can find us on Facebook or Twitter


Thank you for using TurboTax.

My account does not recognize my password ever, so I click "forgot password" and create a new one. I get into my account with the new password but again cannot login.

Hi Ginette,


In the past 3 weeks tried to contact your service twice through

messenger but no reply... Intuit US did reply but mentioned

they couldn't help...

So, since I don't get any reply on messenger, why not try to

contact me through messenger...

2021-02-23 22_09_47-Facebook.jpg

Or we could settle this issue by email...

My account does not recognize my password ever, so I click "forgot password" and create a new one. I get into my account with the new password but again cannot login.



Problem solved. System didn't allow log in with email but with username...


So I was able to log in my account.


We can close this ticket

New Member

My account does not recognize my password ever, so I click "forgot password" and create a new one. I get into my account with the new password but again cannot login.

forgot password