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New Member
posted Apr 16, 2024 6:18:06 AM

Self employed requirement

Why is my Turbotax requiring me to upgrade to self-employed "Starting this year, use TurboTax Self-Employed to report rental property income and expenses." when I have no property income in 2023. I had some in 2022 but have no property income or expenses in 2023. I have tried everything to remove this requirement but it won't let me even though everything is nil in the property section and I have even indicated "no" in my profile to this area.

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3 Replies
Intuit Alumni
Apr 16, 2024 6:23:43 AM

This is possibly happening due to the transfer of information from 2022 at the beginning of the return. You would have to start over and answer "Other" when asked if you used our software last year. This way your past return information would not be transferred and causing this to happen.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member
Apr 16, 2024 10:04:00 AM

It appears this is happening for SEVERAL folks. There's no way for an end user to detect this with the back and forward arrows available and it pretty much locks you into the "upgrade' screen. This is a huge product fail. This information needs to be shard better. 


I had property from SEVERAL YEARS ago.. I did not have any issue in past years. 

Intuit Alumni
Apr 16, 2024 10:11:59 AM

If you do not wish carry forwards and past information to enter your return and force an upgrade, you will need to start over and answer that you used Other software last year so the past information is not transferred.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.