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New Member
posted Oct 31, 2019 4:32:44 AM

TT-premier incorrectly thinks I have self-employment income

I have TT-Premier edition on a Windows-10 pc. I installed TT-Standard from CD and then upgraded to TT-Premier online. My TT screen indicates: TurboTax Premier 2018 in the top left-hand corner of the screen. 

For some reason it thinks my wife is self-employed (she's not). I have gone through her profile and self-employment income is not checked. She does not have any T4A(P) data entered (I do). She only has T4 and T4A data income data.

It won't let me e-file because it wants the address of the business, the type of business, etc. What do I need to do to resolve this?

0 5 2704
5 Replies
Level 15
Oct 31, 2019 4:32:46 AM

Does your wife have an entry in Box 20 or Box 48 of the "T4A-Pension, Retirement, Annuity & Other Income" slip she has?

New Member
Oct 31, 2019 4:32:47 AM

Why yes she does. One of her T4A slips has $92.15 in box 48.

New Member
Oct 31, 2019 4:32:50 AM

Can I fix this somehow. The problem didn't exist prior to me downloading the latest patch.

Level 15
Oct 31, 2019 4:32:51 AM

This is not incorrect and the only way to "fix" this to complete the required information. CRA requires you to report any amounts shown in Box 20 or Box 48 of a T4A Slip as Self-Employed income on a T2125 - Statement of Business Activities. 

You'll need to click on the "Find" button, type in Business > click on Business Income Summary > then "Edit" that particular business which the T4A amount has transferred to. You can use your wife's name and address for information, and an Industry Code can be found here: http://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p3VD.pl?Function=getVD&TVD=1181553

New Member
Oct 31, 2019 4:32:52 AM

Well, it took some doing but I finally got it to work. Thank you very much for your help. Without it I would have been completely lost. May I make a suggestion? When TT prompts for the self- employment year-end it asks for a date in the current year or the year after the current year. Since it's now 2019 I entered a date in 2019 which the CRA didn't accept (but TT did). Perhaps you could change your prompt to read: enter a year-end date in the current tax year. By adding the words: "current tax year" it will remind the user to enter a date for 2018 (in this case) rather than the current physical date. Thanks for your consideration.