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posted Mar 15, 2025 10:15:53 AM

Turbo Tax Says to Update but there are no updates - won't let me complete return

Turbo Tax (Canada Version - I have both US and Canada installed).   When I go to print a copy, or save a copy I get a warning pop up message saying that the product was not complete when the product was manufactured.   It tells me I need to update.   So I go to help and click on check for updates and it pops up telling me that there are no updates.   I try again to print/save and get the same message.    I have always let it update every time I start the program, but still it doesn't work.  what do I do?

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1 Replies
Mar 15, 2025 1:04:14 PM

If you are getting a message regarding locked forms, we are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. We thank you for your patience. 


If you are using TurboTax Desktop and don’t need any of the locked forms, please try clearing the unneeded forms and then closing unused forms. You can find those options under Edit>Forms in the top menu.