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New Member
posted Mar 30, 2023 3:23:02 PM

What do i answer for % owned by us

what % do i answer for owned by anyone other than me and my husband

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1 Replies
Level 3
Mar 31, 2023 8:56:49 PM

When you are asked about the percentage owned by you and your spouse, you should enter the percentage of ownership that you and your spouse have in the particular asset or property. For example, if you and your spouse jointly own a rental property and each have an equal share in it, you would enter "50%" for your ownership percentage.

When you are asked about the percentage owned by anyone other than you and your husband, you should enter the percentage of ownership that is held by individuals or entities other than you and your spouse. For example, if you and your spouse jointly own a rental property with another person who has a 25% ownership share, you would enter "25%" for the percentage owned by anyone other than you and your husband.


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