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New Member
posted Apr 20, 2023 10:18:29 AM

What is my employment status if I received a severance payment in 2022 but didn't work?

I also received a retiring allowance.

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Intuit Alumni
Apr 25, 2023 10:02:00 AM

Click on My Info in the left menu then on the screen: what happened for you in 2022? you say NO that you didn't work. Then where it asks: did you have other income not yet mentioned, such as: scholastic, foreign, disability, alimony, child support, death benefits, or Canada workers benefit payments? answer YES and check: I received other income not included anywhere else as this OTHER INCOME includes:

  • retiring allowances (severance pay)
  • lump-sum payments

From here enter your information as the software interview guides you.


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