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New Member
posted Jul 20, 2024 2:36:06 PM

What would be the total cost to have turbo tax do my business tax for me?

it is my first time doing self employed taxes. there is an option to have turbo tax do my return for me but does not give me a total cost. the number given is smaller than the amount to do it myself and have them review. does not seem right. or can someone tell me how to do 2 reports? one for my first 30,000 made. second for the remaining taxable income. thanks

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1 Replies
Level 2
Jul 23, 2024 6:13:25 AM

You can see the current price for a TurboTax's Full Service Self Employed return on our website here: Tax Filing For Self Employed 


If you have more than one self-employed business (t2125) you can add them to the same return. But, if your spouse/partner's return is done at the same time as your return, that will count as 2 returns.


If one or both of your businesses is incorporated, you would need to file a T2 return for your corporation. The T2 would be separate from your personal T1 returns. We don't have a Full Service product for T2 returns, but you can use TurboTax Business Incorporated to prepare T2 returns yourself. 

Thank you for choosing TurboTax.