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posted Jan 31, 2022 12:54:38 PM

Will previous year information using Turbo Tax Home

If switch from one turbo tax program to another can basic information be transferred or will I need to enter all manually?

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1 Replies
Feb 1, 2022 11:31:17 AM

It depends.


If you used TurboTax CD/Download last year and want to use TurboTax Online this year, you can transfer your information. You can learn how in this TurboTax FAQ: In TurboTax Online, how do I transfer my information from my previous year's tax return?


If you used TurboTax Online last year and want to use TurboTax CD/Download this year, then you can’t transfer information from TurboTax Online into TurboTax CD/Download, as you can see in this TurboTax FAQ: In TurboTax CD/Download, how do I transfer information (carry forward amounts, etc.) from my previous year's tax return?