You can only transfer from one consecutive tax year to the next. You can't transfer your 2019 information into your 2021 taxes. You would need to transfer your 2020 into your 2021 tax return. Also you can only transfer from Online to Online, Download to Download or Download to Online.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
I may not have worded my question as clearly as I could..
Here is my use case.
tax year 2019 - I used Turbo Tax standard edition installed locally
Tax year 2020 - I used Turbo Tax online - I get a PDF copy of my taxes.. great for printing, not much else
Tax Year 2021 - I bought TurboTax Standard edition
so.. how do I get my previous year's tax information rolled forward into the 2021 tax return?
Have I found a silly hole in the TurboTax eco system? Seems like a swing and a miss to me. Or, maybe an opportunity to improve things.
or, perhaps I just don't understand. Perhaps you could explain it to me please?