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New Member
posted Mar 4, 2023 12:45:27 PM

Investment Income from T5008

I have downloaded from CRA and I see the T5008 Investments but they are not added to my Income

I must of skipped a step to add these items fro Box 21 of the T5008

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1 Replies
Returning Member
May 1, 2023 2:20:53 PM

Hey, The T5008 slip that you receive from your broker is like a T4 slip, except that it details only your income or losses from securities transactions. A T5 is a statement of investment income. 
You can find more info about the difference between a T5008 and a T5 here. https://turbotax.intuit.ca/tips/t5008-slip-statement-of-securities-transactions-10957#:~:text=While%20a%20T5008%20slip%20details,with%20your%20yearly%20tax%20return.