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posted Aug 12, 2023 5:41:55 PM

Turotax failed to import my T5008 from CRA after several attempts. I have over 150 Questrade items and it is hard to enter them manually into Turbotax. Can you help me?

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1 Replies
Level 1
Apr 30, 2024 10:56:53 AM

Hi a_javaadi,

I understand that this can be frustrating. You don't need to add all the forms separately. You can just add the total of all slips and enter that amount. Some of the fields on your T5008 slip may not be in TurboTax. You only need to enter the T5008 slip information that TurboTax asks for. 


Here is an answer on our community discussion that can possibly solve your issue. If the above doesn't work, you could also try and request a combined T5008 form from Questrade to help simplify the process. 

Hope either of these solutions solves your problem.