If you are unable to find the right exchange rate on the "Bank of Canada" site (https://www.bankofcanada.ca/rates/exchange/), try asking your bank or the embassy/consulate for the country where the income came from. If you got the money due to employment or as a pension, perhaps the organization that gave you the money might know? If all else fails, there are other online services that can give exchange rates – you can search for “foreign exchange” or “exchange rate” or “currency converter”.
If you are unable to find the right exchange rate on the "Bank of Canada" site (https://www.bankofcanada.ca/rates/exchange/), try asking your bank or the embassy/consulate for the country where the income came from. If you got the money due to employment or as a pension, perhaps the organization that gave you the money might know? If all else fails, there are other online services that can give exchange rates – you can search for “foreign exchange” or “exchange rate” or “currency converter”.