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posted Apr 7, 2023 1:47:46 PM

How to enter capital gains

how to enter capital gains

0 1 373
1 Replies
Level 4
Apr 7, 2023 6:36:07 PM

Using your TurboTax Online:

To report capital gains or losses reported on T5008, T5, T3, T4PS, or T5013 slips.

  1. Select Find from the menu
  2. Enter the name of your T-slip, such as T5008
  3. Select the name of your T-slip from the list of results, then Go
  4. Enter the amount on the slip directly onto the TurboTax screen dedicated to that slip

For capital gains or losses not reported on a T-slip.

Before you begin, be sure to determine the type of your capital property, and calculate your proceeds of disposition and adjusted cost base.

  1. Select Find from the menu and enter capital gains
  2. Select Capital Gains and Capital Gains Deduction Profile from the search results, then Go
  3. On the Your Capital Gains Profile screen, follow the instructions to report your gains or losses

For more information, please see TurboTax webpage: Claiming Capital Gains and Losses


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