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New Member
posted Mar 9, 2022 1:09:09 PM

I am a non-resident. I sold real property in 2021, in Quebec. I select "non-resident"-but no provincial tax forms show up-however I need to submit provincial. How?

If I select resident - then provincial tax forms become available, however I'm concerned it does not reflect my tax situation.

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1 Replies
Level 3
Apr 14, 2022 6:42:52 PM

On the page “Where did you live at the end of the year?” answer Quebec. Then on the next page “Did your Canadian residency change in 2021?”, answer YES, and fill in the information that is relevant to your situation. You should now have access to the Quebec portion of the interview, which can be found under “Provincial” in the left side menu once you have completed the “My Info” part of the interview.


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