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posted Apr 1, 2021 3:47:25 PM

I have investment income on my T5 and T3 slips. How do i calculate the carrying costs for these investments?

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1 Replies
Level 6
Jan 21, 2022 9:37:55 AM

Usually you will receive a separate statement for any fees to manage or take care of your investments. If these fees qualify as Carrying Charges or Interest Expenses, you can claim the deduction in TurboTax by going to Income > Investment Expenses, check "Investment management and advice (includes carrying charges)" and enter on the next screen - Carrying charges.

You cannot claim these fees if they are  part of the Management Expense Ratio (MER) and not paid directly by you. Rather, these fees are deducted from the income reported on the annual tax slip if you receive one in relation to your mutual funds.

More information on carrying charges and interest expenses from CRA can be found here:

Line 22100 – Carrying charges, interest expenses, and other expenses

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