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New Member
posted Apr 25, 2023 1:02:54 PM

I need to know how to enter the fields for when the rental was during 2022 when it was 2 different times. Also regarding claiming condo fees.

What If my tenant rented from Jan-April 2022, and then Sept-Dec 2022.

Second, wondering about claiming condo fees - my utilities are included in my condo fees and I would not be able to find individual values - can I claim the rental portion (eg. 40%) of the condo fees?

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1 Replies
Level 1
May 1, 2023 11:59:31 AM

Was it the same property? If so, it's fine to enter it on the same rental statement. 

If the fees include both a business/personal component, you should claim the business portion only.  You can estimate the business portion based on business square footage.