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Level 1
posted May 1, 2022 6:36:58 PM

Is Intuit ever going to increase the number of lines available for the T1135 form?

The ability to file form T1135 is useless for anyone who can't do the simplified version and who has more than three lines worth of securities to add. There is no way that I can find to add more lines, and I see several years of complaints.


As it stands now, I have to print out the **bleep** form and mail it. This is both ridiculous and highly frustrating.

1 22 2831
22 Replies
May 10, 2022 3:53:44 PM

I have passed on your comments & suggestions to our product development team.


Thank you for your input.

Level 3
Apr 5, 2023 2:38:51 PM

This has not yet been addressed in the download and it is April 2023. This makes TurboTax incomplete as it is unable to complete Netfile.

Apr 9, 2023 12:44:00 PM

@noodle As I said above, I have forwarded a request to add extra lines to the T1135 form to our development team. However, a request like this, if it is acted upon, likely will not be completed this tax season.


In the meantime, you can try combining items if possible. Or you can NETFILE your T1 return and then print and mail your T1135 using the forms on the CRA website, and attach any extra forms that you need (the CRA form also only has limited lines). 

Level 3
Apr 9, 2023 1:35:13 PM

Thank you Susan for trying  but people have been requesting this exact change to turbotax download for years with no results.   Other Canadian tax programs have a t1135 to which spaces can be added and the form then filed electronically using Netfile.  Why can't  turbotax solve this problem?  If every year the development team is saying 'only a few people need this why bother?' then I have to say that they should be referred to the CRA website "T1135 must be filed on or before the due date of your income tax return ...There are substantial penalties for failing to complete and file Form T1135 accurately and by the due date."  Two important points here are 1) that the t1135 must be accurate, so items should not be combined if they have to be listed separately and 2) the t1135 must be filed by the due date. When you print and mail the t1135 you do not get a receipt and you can only hope the required form got to the right place.  Thank you.

Intuit Alumni
Apr 13, 2023 10:34:13 AM

Thank you for your feedback, we value your opinion and have shared this information with the proper TurboTax team.

Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 1
Jul 27, 2023 6:51:00 PM

Similar to others, I had to paper-file the T1135 form back in April due to the limited lines available in the detailed investments section.

Now, I am attempting Netfile the T1 return itself and it is telling me I can't because I must fix the errors of omitted information on T1135!!  It is saying I must paper-file the T1 return.  


Can someone please indicate the work around that will allow me to Netfile the T1 return.  And can TurboTax PLEASE fix this issue for 2023.  It is inexcusable for an other-wise efficient and user-friendly product.  

Thank you.

Level 2
Jan 15, 2024 7:09:57 PM

Hello TurboTaxGinette,


For many years TurboTax users, including myself, have been asking Intuit to upgrade the T1135 form and allow them to add additional lines as needed to each of the categories in Part B of the form. And every year your response and that of your colleagues is the same: "I have forwarded a request to add extra lines to the T1135 form to our development team. However, a request like this, if it is acted upon, likely will not be completed this tax season." For unexplained reasons, Intuit clearly considers this issue, which is essential for many of those required to submit a T1135, not important enough to act upon and thus keeps ignoring this request.


As a long time user of TurboTax and its predecessors, I have been reluctant to switch to tax software that has the option of adding extra lines in the T1135 form because I generally like the user-friendliness and versatility of TurboTax. But the hassle of the workaround options you have been suggesting, such as combining items into 3 lines, netfiling the T1 and then mailing in a properly completed T1135 downloaded from the CRA website, is just not worth it anymore.


Before I make the step to finally move away from TurboTax and purchase other Canadian tax software, I would like to know if this long-standing issue with the T1135 form has been fixed for tax year 2023 (CD/download version for Windows).


Thank you. I look forward to your response.

Jan 19, 2024 11:42:29 AM

Did you complete the T1135 and then the extra ones you sent in?


As per the CRA: If I own specified foreign property in more than three countries, how do I determine the country codes for Part A?

The month-end cost amount of all specified foreign property should be aggregated country-by-country. Choose the top three countries based on the highest month-end cost amount. Refer to the country code instructions on the form to determine the appropriate country for each property.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member
Feb 19, 2024 12:31:35 PM

The CRA form has "Add Row" buttons to add more rows. I have to use it every year. I really should look into other tax preparation options since TurboTax refuses to code this basic functionality. It's now the 2023 tax year and it still does not support it.

New Member
Feb 19, 2024 12:33:45 PM

As I use the software right now it appears that it is still not fixed. I'll be using the CRA PDF form again this year.

Feb 19, 2024 12:41:35 PM

They are hoping to do so. We will definitely sent this request out once again.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member
Feb 19, 2024 12:44:57 PM

They should stop hoping and just do it. This feature has been requested for years!

Feb 20, 2024 12:33:28 PM

Thank you for your feedback 🙂 I will update you when I get a response from them. 

Level 1
Mar 1, 2024 1:16:49 PM

Hi TurboTaxBrenda,

The CRA Q&A you quoted is for the "Part A: Simplified reporting method", which require user to enter the top 3 countries only, which is totally different than what we asking here. What we're asking is the ability to add rows into the "Part B: Detailed reporting method".


I have using TurboxTax for more than 20 years, and I too waiting for this for years and yet no answers nor any actions from TurboTax/Intuit. I'm seriously thinking maybe I should explore other tax tools that support this!

Mar 1, 2024 1:24:00 PM

We are sending reports to our engineers about the forms that need extra rows to add inputs. We appreciate your feedback and we are not sure when we will hear back from them but just know that it is in their hands now.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member
Mar 1, 2024 3:07:58 PM

I too am having exactly the same problem on form T1135, in category 7 of Part B.  I use three different registered investment dealers and am facing 14 different countries.  I will have to submit an incomplete Form T1135 and then file an amendment.  Ridiculous!  It wastes my time and CRA's time.  Intuit, just do it, or I'm leaving after almost 20 years.

Intuit Alumni
Mar 1, 2024 3:16:56 PM

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We will mention it to our development team and if the issue has not already been solved, will work on a fix in a future update.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member
Mar 20, 2024 6:48:10 PM

This issue is worse than described.  I don't even have the option of electronically filing my main return and mailing in the T1135.  Because I've indicated that I have more than $100k in foreign holdings, the program will not let me file without completing the T1135, and I cannot  complete the T1135 correctly because of the line limitation.  This is completely unacceptable.

Level 2
Mar 20, 2024 7:54:30 PM

I have faced the exact same situation you described for years and hence my post on this forum on February 6, 2024, that started this thread. The only option you have is to combine your holdings in each category into the three available lines of the TurboTax T1135 form and to netfile your T1 return and the T1135 as is. Then download a T1135 from CRA and complete this form properly, adding as many lines as you need. Make sure the total amounts on the TurboTax T1135 you netfiled match the total amounts on your CRA copy. Then mail in the latter to the CRA with a letter explaining that this T1135 amendment was necessary due to shortcomings of the TurboTax sofware. I have never had any follow-ups or inquiries from CRA.
As the responses from the TurboTax moderators to my questions and those of other members did not give me the confidence that this extra lines issue will be fixed anytime, I have finally taken the step to switch to the other tax software, which allows for at least 15 additional lines (and probably many more).

Level 1
Mar 21, 2024 7:40:15 AM

I have the exact same problem.  This has gone on for several years.  Have been filing the tax electronically, and manually producing the T1135 using CRA's fillable PDF form.  I need to the the detailed method, and have 8 different equities to report in section 2 shares of non-resident corporations.  Have purchased Ufile desktop, and was able to successfully do the form there.  Starting this year, I will be reporting using Ufile, so I can file both the return and T1135 electronically.  I will no longer be buying turbotax desktop.

Level 1
Mar 29, 2024 7:40:18 PM

I'm using QuickTax/TurboTax since 2000, and have the exact same problem too. What frustrated me the most is that we got the EXACT same response "request send to development team and they will look into it" years after years, every year!


The fact that this hasn't been fixed for so many years leads me to doubt that either the request has NOT been send, or the development team just totally ignored it. In fact this should be a product defective request, not a product enhancement request, since we can add rows using CRA forms, but not TurboxTax!


Even though I already purchased TurboTax 2023, I'm just sick of it requiring me to manually fill out T1135 using CRA form and submit it separately. So I go ahead and bought UFile and try it out yesterday! Much of my dismay, the learning curve is not hard at all and I'm ready to netfile my returns AND T1135 within hours. As a bonus, it also support foreign currencies (Box 13) on T5008 correctly, which is totally missing in TurboTax and require us to manually covert it ourselves (another big product defect)!

My only regret is that I should have switch years ago!

New Member
Apr 12, 2024 2:21:28 PM

OMG ... ------ is so much cheaper too ! Thanks for the heads up.