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New Member
posted Feb 12, 2023 10:55:59 AM

Lived in us until april 14 2022 do I file in both canada & us?

I was non-resident for part of 2022, do I file in both canada & usa?

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1 Best answer
Level 5
Feb 13, 2023 10:32:00 AM

The U.S. bases taxation on both your residence and citizenship status. This means American citizens must file a U.S. tax return every year, regardless of where they live or work. 


In Canada, your tax obligations are based on your residency status, which the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) determines for you. The general rule is that regardless of your citizenship, you’ll have to pay Canadian income tax if you live and work in Canada.


For further details, please visit the link: The USA/Canada Tax Treaty Explained


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

2 Replies
Level 5
Feb 13, 2023 10:32:00 AM

The U.S. bases taxation on both your residence and citizenship status. This means American citizens must file a U.S. tax return every year, regardless of where they live or work. 


In Canada, your tax obligations are based on your residency status, which the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) determines for you. The general rule is that regardless of your citizenship, you’ll have to pay Canadian income tax if you live and work in Canada.


For further details, please visit the link: The USA/Canada Tax Treaty Explained


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member
Feb 15, 2023 6:07:40 AM

Thank you very much Cookie135. That was very helpful. Have a wonderful day!