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Level 1
posted May 2, 2020 9:14:13 PM

Should I reduce the proceeds recorded on my T5008, to account for cost of securities trade, before filling this in turbotax?

0 1 901
1 Best answer
May 3, 2020 11:11:50 AM

No. You'd need to enter the amounts on your T5008 as they appear on the slip. There is a box called "Outlays and Expenses" at the bottom of the T5008 page where you can put in expenses related to the sale/trade.

1 Replies
May 3, 2020 11:11:50 AM

No. You'd need to enter the amounts on your T5008 as they appear on the slip. There is a box called "Outlays and Expenses" at the bottom of the T5008 page where you can put in expenses related to the sale/trade.